Ask About Games supports parents and families to navigate the world of video games safely.

teen playing in video game club

Our mission

For over a decade, Ukie and the video games industry have supported parents and families by sharing top tips, expert knowledge, and answering questions all about video games. Ask About Games gives parents and families access a wealth of free information  and resources, ensuring families can enjoy video games safely and happily!

Supporting parents and families

To date, we’ve supported almost 3 million parents through our work, and we hope to support even more going forward. In our latest campaign, we teamed up with ITV Loose Women presenter, comedian and mother of two, Judi Love, to promote our Ask About Games campaign.

Infographic of parental controls

Parental controls work

Three quarters of parents think that parental controls on game devices offer the right level of assurance that their children are safe in-game, but 83% of parents would like to know more and how to implement parental controls.

That’s why the video games industry runs the Ask About Games campaign, encouraging parents and families to setup parental controls to stay protected. 

Judi love with power up pact

I’ve often negotiated with my son about the time he spends on video games! All parents know the struggle of trying to encourage healthy habits, we just want to keep them safe online and happy in themselves.

- Judi Love