Tricky Towers is a battle puzzle that uses shapes but instead of creating lines, you must balance them in towers that mustn’t fall over. Real-world physics applies, along with wind and attacks from other players to make your stack topple. Up to four players can race to build a tower of a certain height or the one that survives the longest without toppling over.
Tricky Towers
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The simplicity of this challenge works for all ages. Older players may have nostalgic memories of playing Tetris in their youth, while others will connect with the Jenga-like stacking gameplay.
Tetris block-stacking is a premise the whole family can relate to. Family members often find themselves practising to improve in the next showdown. The more novel modes, like ‘Puzzle’, where you have to stack a set number of blocks as neatly as you can, or ‘Race’ – where you need to be the quickest to create the tallest tower, provide more variety once you’ve got used to the stacking challenge.
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