Planet of Lana is an adventure where you play a young girl Lana, alongside her loyal animal friend Mui, on a rescue mission. Play involves navigating the world together and solving environmental puzzles to let you move forward. It stands out for creating a vibrant yet fragile world and your quest to keep it that way.
Planet of Lana
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The game is set on a planet under siege by old machines and unfamiliar creatures. It used to be a place of undisturbed balance between humans, nature and animals but has now fallen into disharmony. Play involves running, jumping and exploring the world to progress through each area, but this is more like Limbo than Mario and soon evolves into a cinematic puzzle adventure.
The exploration draws on games like Ico as you travel with a long-term companion who helps you along the way. In turn, you must keep them safe as you face some violent and challenging enemies. Along with the battles are brain-teasing puzzles and periods of calm reflection.
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