Boomerang Fu is a fighting game where you control small food-like characters. Using your boomerang the aim is to slice the other players with ranged or melee attacks. You can use a large range of power-ups such as explosive boomerangs, disguises and telekinesis. You can then put power-ups together to form personalised combinations. The game has simple controls and up to 6 players as well as computer opponents, meaning it's great for families wanting to play together.
- Move Faster: Increased speed.
- Dash Through Walls: Move through obstacles for a short period.
- Teleport: Warp yourself out of trouble.
- Explosive boomerang: Your attack explodes after a countdown.
- Multi Boomerang: Throw many attacks at once.
- Fire Boomerang: Catches items on fire and does more damage.
- Ice Boomerang: Freezes opponents.
- Disguise: Can transform into one of the objects in the level.
- Shield: Can't be killed for a short period.
- Battle Royale:
- Telekinesis: Move objects in the level to attack.