Boomerang Fu is a fighting game where you control small food-like characters. Using your boomerang the aim is to slice the other players with ranged or melee attacks. You can use a large range of power-ups such as explosive boomerangs, disguises and telekinesis. You can then put power-ups together to form personalised combinations. The game has simple controls and up to 6 players as well as computer opponents, meaning it's great for families wanting to play together.

There are over 30 arenas that include unique tools and traps, as well as moving platforms and foliage to hide in. The game also allows players to tweak settings to tailor battles for their family. For example, friendly fire, shields and chosen power-ups, and adding a level of freedom when battling.
You can also switch on and off which power-ups you have enabled, some of which can completely change the game:
  • Move Faster: Increased speed.
  • Dash Through Walls: Move through obstacles for a short period.
  • Teleport: Warp yourself out of trouble.
  • Explosive boomerang: Your attack explodes after a countdown.
  • Multi Boomerang: Throw many attacks at once.
  • Fire Boomerang: Catches items on fire and does more damage.
  • Ice Boomerang: Freezes opponents.
  • Disguise: Can transform into one of the objects in the level.
  • Shield: Can't be killed for a short period.
  • Battle Royale:
  • Telekinesis: Move objects in the level to attack.
It sounds simple but because the game uses real physics you can curve your shots and even attack opponents with a clever backswing. It's frantic but highly skilful.